Seminars, Webinars and Business Coach Workshops

Small Business Coach Associates provide mentoring, informational Seminars, Webinars Workshops to the business owners, self-employed and entrepreneurs.  Below is a sampling of some presentations that we have recently delivered.  For pricing information, visit our Services page.

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Business Webinar Series

We deliver webinars to business owners with the help of our partnered reliable automated webinar software.  These one-hour sessions are designed to provide business owners with a wide variety of business topics and information to make your business successful. You may select a webinar “a la carte,” or as part of our affordable coaching packages. Below are some of the topics that we cover.

  • Make More and Work Less!
  • Grow Your Business Through Personal Development
  • Increase Profit Margins
  • Developing Marketing Strategies that Will Rocket Your Growth
  • Develop a Strategic Plan For Your Business
  • Developing an Effective Website
  • Attract and Keep Motivated, High-Quality Employees
  • Growing Your Business By Growing Your Reputation
  • Information Systems: The Key to Sound Business Decisions
  • Biblical Principles of Success in Business
  • Proactively Managing Your Cash Flow
  • Growing The Value of Your Business
  • Solving Cash Flow Problems
  • Establishing and Tracking Key Business Success Indicators
  • Building Value By Doing What Jesus Did
  • Growing Your Sales Through Internal and External Strategies
  • Making God the CEO in Your Company
  • Customer Satisfaction: The Key To Top Line Growth
  • Servant Leadership as Designed by the Ultimate Servant
  • Business Growth Workshops
  • Explosive Growth Through Leveraging the Web and Social Media
  • Ten Ways to Grow Your Business Through Free Marketing
  • Other Business Webinars

Business Coach Seminars and Workshops

“Alan, over the past 35 years through my involvement with The Executive Committee and the chamber of commerce, I have seen literally thousands of resource speakers. You are one of the best! Your workshop presentation is heartwarming, deep and thought-provoking. Your message of sharing God’s vision for your business, open-book management, and preparing your business for sale is needed among CEO’s today. I highly recommend you to business groups.” John Beehner, CEO, Wise Counsel

Developing an Effective Thirty Second Commercial(s)

Have you ever felt like you were caught off guard when someone asked you what you do for a living? Perhaps you responded with one sentence that included your title and your business name. The person who asked the question may have moved on to someone else, quickly dismissing you in their mind. Or perhaps you went to the other extreme and rambled on and on, providing way too much detail until their eyes glazed over. We all have experiences such as this. This workshop will prepare you to develop a brief, compelling introduction to your business. 30 minutes to 1 hour

Make Your Networking Count!

Do you feel awkward or afraid when going to business networking events? You are not alone! Many people avoid networking events and many others make big mistakes while networking. Simply showing up at a networking event with your business cards is not enough! Successful networking requires planning and strategy. This workshop will prepare you to be at ease at events and to convert introductions to customers.

The Fastest Way to Grow: Get More Referrals

We all know that word of mouth is the best way to grow a business. When you receive a referral you will have little or no competition, you will be able to command a higher price, and your referral source will have done much of the selling for you. This workshop will prepare you to dramatically increase the amount of referrals you are getting. 30 minutes to 1 hour

Getting Your Foot in the Door

One particular client had no sales background; he is involved in operations. I helped him to establish sales goals and sales targets. He had a list of around 500 prospects. His question to me was the following; “How can I get my foot in the door with these prospects?â? Here is my counsel to him and to you. This workshop will prepare you to be strategic and effective in securing meetings with prospects. 30 minutes to 1 hour

The First Meeting with your Prospect

Ok, so you have created a contact list, you have used your resources to get referrals, you have kept your eyes open for potential clients, and you now have scheduled a meeting! What do you do now? In this workshop, we will share 21 steps to a great prospect meeting.

Winning the Business: Focus on Your Prospect’s Needs

Before you start “spouting off” your vast array of business features and services, you must deeply understand your prospect’s needs. Think of how foolish a doctor would be to prescribe a medication to a patient before making an examination. Serve your prospect like a doctor serves a patient: ask good questions, diagnose the condition and only then prescribe the best remedies to treat the business “illness.” This workshop will prepare you to prepare a proposal that delivers what your prospect really wants, thereby winning his business. 30 minutes to 1 hour

Things You Need to Do Before and During a Proposal

Many business owners simply “spout off” what they do with prospects, and lose the opportunity to win a new account. There are important things you need to know and to do before making a pitch to a prospect. This workshop will equip you to prepare your prospect and yourself to design a win-win relationship. 30 minutes to 1 hour

Winning Customers Through Prospect Follow Up

You never know how many follow up contacts it will take to win a client. It is quite rare to win a customer during your initial meeting. The timing has to be right for them. Most prospects will want time to think about your services. Many will want to discuss their decision with their spouse. What do you do next to win them as a customer? This workshop will prepare you to use wisdom and strategy to win customers. 30 minutes to 1 hour

Your Company is as Good as Its Reputation

What are the values that you consider important to your customers, your employees and other stakeholders in your company?  Being able to deploy these values and to communicate them to the business community can be a challenge, but can supercharge your growth plan. Building a great reputation takes years to attain, but can be lost in a matter of minutes!  30 minutes to one hour

Your Business is Your Best 401k Plan, Let’s Grow it!

Most business owners don’t think of their business as a savings plan, but in many cases, the value in their business is their best chance of a comfortable retirement.  With this topic, we will discuss strategies that owners can use to grow their “Business 401k Plan” into a substantial nest egg.  30 minutes to one hour

“I have had the pleasure of hearing Alan Melton speak on several occasions at workshops. He is a terrific speaker and really knows how to keep his audience engaged. His topics are always relevant to what is going on in the business world and one always leaves with fresh ideas on how to make his/her business better. It is obvious that Alan really knows and loves what he does and is very happy to share what he has learned along the way. It would be an honor to have him back to speak again anytime.” Janet Goolsby Helling, Area Manager, Professional Network Connections

Make Mission and Vision a Part of Your Business

Small business goals are as diverse as the people who establish them. They can be long-term or short-term goals as you focus on strategy, marketing, and so on. Here are some hints on defining goals for your small business.  30 minutes to one hour

Make Mission and Vision a Part of Your Business

“”Where do you want to be in five years?”  This is one of the most important questions a business owner can answer.  Scripture tells us that “Where there is no vision, God’s people perish.”  We will explore ways to define your Mission and Vision.  30 minutes

Make Mission and Vision a Part of Your Business

“”Where do you want to be in five years?”  This is one of the most important questions a business owner can answer.  Scripture tells us that “Where there is no vision, God’s people perish.”  We will explore ways to define your Mission and Vision.  30 minutes

7 Things to Look for in Valuing Your Business

Business owners need to know the value of their company.  After all, this is the true measure of business success.  We will discuss 7 important considerations in determining business value, and what owners can do to grow the value.  30 minutes

10 Mistakes that Business Sellers Make

Business sellers have made every mistake you can imagine and then some!  With this topic, we will explore 10 common mistakes that owners make in selling their companies.  30 minutes to one hour

5 Steps to Double the Value of Your Business

Did you know that there are some very simple strategies that owners can employ to grow the value of their companies?  We will discuss 5 proven methods that can double your business value.  30 minutes to one hour

How to Thrive During Tough Economic Times

Did you know that some businesses are actually growing and making more money than they made last year?  Learn about the hidden capital that is available to every business owner.  We provide a top ten list to make your business work for you.  30 minutes to 1 hour

Selling or Buying a Business

“Alan is a great motivational speaker as well as a coach for small businesses. He was our speaker at a monthly chamber of commerce luncheon and was received well. I have enjoyed knowing Alan and respect him for his knowledge and Christian values. His perspective on developing a life and a business plan was inspiring. We can learn much from your message.” Kent Dykes, President, Chamber of Commerce

small business coach

“I have had the pleasure of hearing Alan Melton speak on several occasions at workshops. He is a terrific speaker and really knows how to keep his audience engaged. His topics are always relevant to what is going on in the business world and one always leaves with fresh ideas on how to make his/her business better. It is obvious that Alan really knows and loves what he does and is very happy to share what he has learned along the way. It would be an honor to have him back to speak again anytime.” Janet Goolsby Helling, Area Manager, Professional Network Connections

For more results and case studies, click here.

Maximize Your Business Value

This half-day workshop is designed to not only share the keys to making your business valuable, but we will also help you develop an action plan for your business. In this workshop you will learn how to work less, earn more and the following:

  • How important it is to know the VALUE of your business? 80% of business owners don’t know! 2. How to MAXIMIZE the value of your business. Only 10% of business sellers get TOP DOLLAR!
  • The STEPS to make your business MORE VALUABLE. Many owners make their business LESS VALUABLE!
  • That it takes TIME to maximize business value – On average 2-10 YEARS! Most Owners wait too long!
  • Someday you will want to “CASH-OUT.” 4 out of 5 Business DO NOT SELL – LACK OF PREPARATION!

Developing a Strategic Plan for Your Life and Business

“”Where do you want to be in five years?”  This is one of the most important questions a business owner can answer, both personally and professionally.

In this half-day workshop, we will explore how to define your Values, Vision, and Mission and we will guide you through the development of your plan.  At the end of the day, you will have an action plan for achieving your personal goals.  Below are some of the topics that we will cover:

  • Decide What You Personally Want
  • Memorialize What You Want
  • Translate What You Want Into Daily Actions
  • Energize What You Want

“The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche

For more information:

Call us at 1-888-504-0777.


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