Alan Melton founded Small Business Coach Associates in 2002 after selling a successful business to a publicly-held company. Since then we have been coaching over a thousand small business owners, helping them to overcome obstacles, to increase their revenues and profits, to build winning teams, and to spend more time enjoying personal pursuits and time with their families.

Below are some examples of results we are getting:

Profit Enhancement Results From Business Coaching

Business Type
Profit Increase
$650k Bus Sales Co
$4MM Landscaping Co
$150k Accounting Firm
$700k Textile Parts Manufacturer
$250k CPA Firm
$1.4MM Interior Design
$900k Construction Co
$1MM Nursery

Small Business Coach Associates exists to lead, coach, and consult entrepreneurs, business owners, and business leaders to achieve business growth, strong profits, cash flows, and maximum business value. We use an award-winning process to help business owners make more, have fun and work less, which allows them to support charitable causes and their local communities. We offer practical solutions through business coaching, group coaching, e-learning, webinars, information products, training, and seminars.

small business coach

First quarter of this year my sales are 300% better than previous years.

“In the first year of coaching my revenues increased 60%. In the first quarter of this year my sales are 300% better than previous years.” Collin, Owner Landscaping Construction