In the past did you have a sports coach or a teacher with an extracurricular activity? If so, you know the value that coaching brings. Every individual at the top of their field, whether an professional athlete, business legend or political leader surrounds themselves with coaches and advisors. Good business coaches help their clients get outstanding results.

A Proverb tells us that “there is safety in a multitude of counselors.” Your business success is directly related to the information and wisdom that you utilize in running your business. Are you interested in mentoring and coaching to receive counsel in order to achieve business success? With a good coach you will remove obstacles and you will begin to increase cash flows and business growth.

Why Business Owners Don’t Improve Their Business

When it comes to improving a small business, many people are so close to their products or services they don’t know where to start. Business owners are frequently overwhelmed with day-to-day issues such as cash flow, competition, and employees…which may lead to burnout.

Your business will not grow beyond your capability to manage that growth. We frequently provide solutions to successful business owners who:

  • Feel buried by constant interruptions and problems.
  • Are experiencing stress related to cash flow problems.
  • Have been burned by a large bad debt.
  • Are guilty and frustrated about missing important family events.
  • Feel vulnerable to increasing competition.
  • Are aggravated about poor employee performance.

Our business coaches have extensive business, mentoring and coaching experience. We are fellow entrepreneurs who have invested our time, money, and energy to make our own business ventures successful.

small business coach

“Personally I’ve seen a strong improvement in my day to day routine. Before working with Alan I struggled just putting my day together. Now I’ve become much more productive, I’m able to organize and work through my day, having a strong emphasis on my goals. I have a plan. I am working the plan. The day and its problems are not working me. My frustrations have been replaced with clear goals. I am already seeing results. I highly recommend the services Alan Melton provides. ” Angela, Insurance Agency Manager

Because Alan and his team have walked in your shoes. He started 12 businesses and grew one of them to $8.5million and 130 employees. Starting the business from scratch, he knows what it’s like to have problems with employees, partners and customers. In growing his business he experienced massive debt, working too many hours and not making enough money. But he hired a business coach that helped him go to the next level. Since founding Small Business Coach Associates we’ve coached, mentored and taught more than 1,000 successful business owners over the last 15 years. We can help.

Our Business Owner Reviews and Testimonials

Our client reviews say that Alan has deep business knowledge and real world experience; that he’s a motivator, encourager and creator of hope. He’s gifted at establishing vision clarity, employee buy-in, and plan deployment accountability. All this adds up to business growth, more profits and more time off!

Our Coaching Programs and Coaching Methods

Small Business Coach Associates has developed affordable coaching programs that are especially designed for small business owners. All of our coaches have owned successful companies. We use a Proprietary 36 Point Coaching Process, a weekly coaching agenda, and offer Exit Planning to business owners who plan to sell their business. We coach entrepreneurs and business executives to get started with developing dynamic success systems, but we also stay with you as you grow in business coaching requirements. We help to implement cash flow solutions and marketing strategies that create business growth. Our clients attest to the power of our programs; see our results and testimonials pages.

Custom Coaching and Consulting Packages

In addition to our low-cost packages, we have packages that are designed for owners who require more custom design and one-on-one interaction. We will show you how to increase your business revenues and profits and how to develop your business so that you can work less and spend more time with people and activities that are important to you.

In one sense they will be; change is always difficult. But since many of the changes that you implement will already be in your heart (because we are going to tap into your personal passions), the energy and enthusiasm that is created will breathe new life into you and your business. If you involve your employees in the change, we will help you distribute the work among your team. We are instructed in wisdom that “what we put our hand to, do with all your heart, soul and strength.” When you get excited about your business performance and high calling at work, the hard work is more fun.

Business Clarity and Personal Fulfillment

Your new clarity, marketing strategies, business growth and cash flow solutions will energize you and your team. The bottom line is that change will be difficult, but it is an investment that pays huge dividends! More is invested up front, but the return on investment in dollars, time and enjoyment is well worth the investment.

Your business success should be like a freight train. It takes a while to get going, but as it moves down the tracks it becomes unstoppable!


“From hearing Alan speak on a number of occasions and in different venues … and from private conversations … I find him to be a highly ethical, confident and energetic professional. He has an expansive knowledge of business and unselfishly shares his expertise with others. I confidently recommend him as speaker, consultant or business coach.”Don Crews, President, Electronic Payment Services

The first few months will be hard. Not necessarily because of extra work, but because of new habits forming. We will show you how to get more done with less effort. After those first few months you’ll find you’re not working more, just smarter. Then, depending on your goals, you’ll begin to see the results of all your efforts. If you execute your plan, you will have the option of working less than before. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

Yes. We guarantee to deliver your business evaluation, your business assessment and to provide you with a written plan of action, goals, and your values, vision and mission that you and your team will agree to during our planning sessions. If you purchase a coaching service or product from us, we provide a double your investment guarantee, or we will coach you for free.

We Are Your Coach and You Are the Player

As far as actually implementing your plan, the ball is in your court! That is because we’re your coach and you’re still the player. It will always be up to you to ‘execute the plays.’ We will encourage you, help you, and hold you accountable. But in the end you’ve still got to do the work. In the end, only you can ever really be accountable and responsible for your own success. We are here to serve you, and you will have to do your part to ensure business success.

Work Life Balance

We encourage you to keep a proper balance between God, family and work. This is to ensure you never compromise the long-term health and success of your company, or yourself. Most importantly, your personal values, and what’s important to you won’t be compromised.

Results have ranged from those previously working 60 to 80 hours a week, and now are working just 6 hours and with increases in revenue of 1000’s of percent and profit increases of 1000’s of percent. Check out our results and case studies page.

Here are four reasons our coaching approach will work for you in your business:

  • First

    we will help you clarify your Vision, Values and Mission and action plan to reach them. This sharpened focus will have a dramatic effect on both you and your business results.

  • Second

    we will help you identify and reduce obstacles to meeting your performance goals.

  • Third

    we require that you agree to hold you accountable to get the things done you’ve committed to. Not just for the day-to-day running of your business, but for the dynamic growth your business will experience. You’re investing in your success and we’re going to help you achieve it.

  • Fourth

    we’re going to teach you profit and business building strategies and approaches as you need. So, whether your goal is to make more money, or work fewer hours, or both … your goals can become a reality … and within the next 12 months.

“Thanks for all the help that you have given me. The practical advice and business-savvy ideas you have given me have added dollars to my bottom line, and will stay with me as a successful business person. The ability to stay focused on your goals and the way to develop them was information that I was able to use right away.” Michael, President, Motorcycle Sales and Service

We work with small business owners in seven key areas … and the emphasis in each will depend on your coaching package, your business, and of course, your goals. These key areas are:

  • Profits: Cash Flow

    We will share with you ideas and strategies to improve your profits and cash flow immediately by adding dollars to your revenues and by reducing expenses.

  • Sales: Business Growth

    Your revenues are critical for generating profits. This is an important area that we work with you to get results fast.

  • Marketing & Advertising

    In order to generate sales, you need to find prospects. We will teach you simple, yet powerful marketing techniques and approaches that will drive profits. In some cases these approaches will be free!

  • Customer Service and Satisfaction

    We will show you how to deliver your product or service consistently. We’ll be happy to show you making it easy for your to buy, leaving them happy with your service. Will share ways you can motivate your current customers to give you referrals and to ensure their repeat business.

  • Employees

    We will show you how you can have motivated, passionate, enthusiastic, and loyal team members.

  • Leadership

    There is a saying “When you’re green, you’re growing. When you’re ripe, you rot.” We will work with you to make sure you and your business are green and that it is generating some green for you!

  • Business Systems

    Stop having ‘the business running you’ and begin running your business! We will show you keys to having the business ‘work’ even when you’re not there.

How do I get started?

You will complete some simple paperwork about the package that you want, and specific services that you choose within your package.

We will provide you with a list of financial information that we require to complete your business evaluation. We will work with you on your business assessment, depending on which package you have selected. We will schedule you for your business planning service that you have purchased. We will register you for other services that you have requested. You may contact us at your convenience to schedule your Coach on Call sessions.

If you require one of our custom packages, we will begin with an Profit growth consultation prior to developing your package.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”