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The Real Secret To Simple Planning And Business Plans

Simple Planning

A business should strive toward a particular objective or mission in order to be productive and grow its potential. But how can one determine what is and isn’t important to the goal? This is what planning involves.

Learning how to use a simple planner successfully is a key impactful step towards more efficient time management as a business owner and even a business coach. Simple planning is a simple yet effective tool to help you stay organized and plan your day-to-day business activities

Now, when it comes to simple planners, there are several simple planner options available, like traditional paper-based planners, digital calendars, and bullet journaling. 

But thinking outside the box, you can hire a simple planner professional to create a done-for-you business plan. This person can be a business consultant or business coach who creates business plans for clients. And the simple planner professional can stay with you to make sure you follow through with your goals.

In this article we go over some essential tips on how to implement simple planning as a small business owner and business coach, to get the most out of your time for the betterment of your business and coaching gig. Plus, we’d also talk about business plans and how to make a business plan. So, keep reading.

Planning is a fundamental management activity, and when it involves a simple planner for informal planning that gives a short-term focus, then we are referring to simple planning.

What is simple planning?

In management, planning is determining what actions must be taken to achieve a goal, anticipating changes and obstacles, and determining how to best utilize human resources and opportunities to achieve the desired end. The planning process involves thoroughly examining the currently available resources and market trends while forecasting growing markets and future demand.

A goal, in simple words, is where your business wants to go at a certain point in time, and a plan is how you will get there.

simple planning

Importance of Simple Planning

There are several advantages to adopting a planner. They can assist you in remaining more organized, increasing your productivity and sense of control over life events, feeling less stressed since you have clearer expectations for the day/week ahead, setting objectives, and making plans without feeling overwhelmed. 

But simple planning can be more effective than the traditional business planning approach. Simple planning boils down the important aspects of planning to the most essential parts and makes your plan easier to remember and thus easier to deploy. It is one thing to develop a plan; that part is easy. The hard part is deployment of your plan. But that’s the most important element of planning. Actually doing what is in your plan is what gets spectacular results!

  • Simple planning gives guidance: following a simple planning system would require that you clearly state your business objectives in the short term and long term, so that they may be used as a model for determining what action should be done and in which direction. As a business owner, being daily conscious of what the business needs to do and what role you have to play to see those goals achieved becomes a lot easier when following a simple planner.
  • Simple planning reduces risk: Planning is an activity that allows you as a business owner and business coach to look ahead and foresee changes for your business and clients. Planning indicates the technique to deal with changes and unanticipated effects by specifying the activities to be accomplished in advance.
  • Simple planning reduces overlapping and unnecessary actions: Planning serves as the framework for organizing your activities and goal, and syncing them with the efforts of your employees/team members. Using a simple planner helps to avoid chaos and confusion because planning ensures precision in knowledge and execution, and, as such, work is completed quickly and without delays.
  • Simple planning fosters creative thinking: Because management is the key job, innovative methods can take the form of genuine plans. It is the most difficult project for the management of a business since it directs all planned actions aimed at growing the business.

Tips for how to use a simple planner

Now let’s get into some tips you can use to help you become more efficient at simple planning as a business owner or coach.

#1. Understand your reasons for using a planner

What is your motivation for seeking out a simple planning system? To prepare ahead for the following week so you may unwind on Friday evening without worrying about what’s going on this weekend? Or do you want to improve your work-life balance by learning how to allocate your time more effectively? Or do you want to rest assured that your plan is complete, is being deployed and you have an advisor to share your concerns with?

Before we can decide what form of simple planner to employ, we must first understand why we want or need one in our lives. Do you need assistance prioritizing tasks? Have you recently been stressed out by a lack of control in your life and business?

You truly want to get to the point where you realize why you need the assistance of a simple planner. Whether it is to feel more organized, balanced with priorities in both work and home life, or any other reason, recognizing this is critical to helping you keep the habit when you become tired of it. And believe me, you will become tired of it!

#2. Determine the type of planner you want to use

When deciding on the sort of planner you want to use, there are a few factors you should consider.

The technique of planning is the first type of planner (the media used). Traditional paper planners, digital planners and calendars, and bullet diaries are all examples.

  • With traditional planners, you will get a planner in the shape of a book. This might be spiral bound or have a hard/soft back.
  • Digital planners provide a bit more flexibility and the added benefit of being always available.
  • The bullet journal is the most creative method of using a planner. The process of planning becomes more of a creative experience with bullet journal planning, and the flexible form lets you make each planning session anything you desire.
  • Finally, hiring a simple planner professional can quickly lead you through the simple planning process, make recommendations on actions you can take, produce a final plan version, and help you deploy the plan, the most important part!

simple planning

The next planner category is based on the time it tracks. Typically, plans are classified as either daily or weekly. Both often offer the option of monthly monitoring.

    • Daily Planners: A page in a daily planner is allocated to one day. These plans typically include 365 pages plus a few extras. Most of them have a space for daily to-dos, appointments, a thankfulness part, and a few additional added sections that are unique to each planner. If you want to organize your days down to the hour, a daily planner app or paper planner is for you.
    • Weekly Planners: In general, most planners include a weekly planning framework. These are basic daily plans that do not fall into the monthly category (and hence do not get overpowering). Some of these weekly plans additionally include a sidebar for notes or any additional information you’d like to include. You may also use a weekly calendar that is digital.
    • Monthly Planners: Monthly planners are thinner than daily planners and allow you to obtain a bird’s eye perspective of your month. The majority of these planners have 12 monthly calendar views.
    • Ongoing Accountability Planners: This is the business professional who assists you in plan deployment. This person will meet with you regularly to review your progress, overcome obstacles to your progress, make revisions in your plan, make recommendations on actions and keep you moving forward with your progress. In other words they will hold you accountable to your plans. 

#3. Select a planner

  • Examine your needs: Consider your daily existence. Are you often on the run and in need of something portable? Or do you want to work from the convenience of your own home? (Who isn’t in 2020 these days?) A smaller and sleeker planner is ideal for running around, but you may want something a little more solid that will remain there on your desk.
  • Layout of the planner: Do you prefer a more practical layout? Or something more general, such as a monthly planner? Choose the best one for your needs from the many alternatives available.
  • Style and aesthetic: Are you a minimalist or do you enjoy bright colors and chaotic patterns To achieve success, make your planner something you’ll want to refer to again and again.
  • Done For You: In this scenario you allow the simple planner professional create the most effect plan to ensure it’s deployment and to teach you how to use it.

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#4 Plan a consistent daily planning session

Plan a regular time each day to accomplish the planning that works best for you! Some people prefer to plan in the mornings, while others prefer to plan after work or before night.

The advantages of having a simple planner in the morning include being more aware of how to effectively manage your time and being able to plan for any diversions or interruptions. Morning planning may also help you in setting your intention for the day.

The advantages of using simple planners at night are that we may reflect on our day and prepare for the next when we are more relaxed. Night planning also helps us to unwind by reflecting on what went well and what did not go well today.

#5. Have a daily routine so planning is easily incorporated

Similar to the previous tip, making and sticking to regular routines is an important planning technique. That way, simple planning becomes part of your routine and does not seem like labor or a waste of time.

What you plan each day may vary based on what you have planned for the day, but many planners include breakfast, lunch, supper, cleaning duties for the week ahead, as well as appointments, exercises, and evening plans.

Planning ahead of time is essential for effective time management, and regular habits make this process much easier.

#6. Create time for weekly planning

In addition to daily planning meetings, weekly sessions should be included. This doesn’t have to last long; just long enough to create goals for the week and figure out how to prioritize your responsibilities and appropriate adequate time for your business/coaching.

Setting a time on Sunday night before bed is the greatest method to ensure you plan for the week. This will keep your objectives fresh in your memory when you get up Monday morning and will allow you to notice any modifications that need to be made during the day as you arise.

This also allows you to express gratitude for the previous week.

#7 Write everything down

How many times have you promised something only to find hours later that you forgot about it? Planning is essential for remembering what you need to do.

Simple planning should be an ongoing activity, so adding tasks and events as they arise reduces stress when it comes to remembering them!

Make a list of everything, including daily routines, weekly objectives, errands, messages from friends, and quiet time!

#8 Keep your planner with you

The last simple planning tip is to keep your planner with you! Consistent planning is hard if your planner is sitting on a distant coffee table, waiting for you to open it.

Keeping your planner in a backpack or at home requires you to take time out of your day to locate a planner alternative (typically sticky notes) and then keep track of those items to transfer to your calendar later. This may be the most difficult at first, but ultimately remembering your planner will be as simple as remembering your phone!

How To Make a Business Plan

business plan

What is a business plan?

Before we discuss how to make a business plan, it is essential we cover the basics of what a business plan actually is. 

A business plan is a document that explains your firm, the products and services you provide, and the clients that you sell to. It describes your company’s strategy. How you want to create and expand your company, your marketing plan, and who your rivals are.

Most company strategies incorporate future financial projections, setting sales targets, spending budgets, and cash flow projections.

A business plan is no longer just a static document that you draft once and then forget about. It also serves as a guide to help you establish and realize your objectives; a management tool for analyzing outcomes, making strategic decisions, and demonstrating how your company will function and flourish.

What’s the purpose of a business plan?

Before you begin writing your business strategy, you must first comprehend why you are doing so. The following are the three primary reasons why you should have a business plan:

  • To create a business focus: The basic goal of a company plan is to define your plans. These plans should include goals or milestones, as well as precise actions outlining how your organization will achieve each one. The process of developing a roadmap for your goals will assist you in determining your business’s focus and pursuing development.
  • To attract funding: A well-researched business plan is one of the first things private investors, banks, or other lenders look for before investing in your company. Investors want to know how you run your firm, what your revenue and expenditure estimates are, and, most crucially, how they will make a profit.
  • To attract executives: As your company expands, you’ll most likely need to hire executives. A business plan can assist you in attracting senior talent and determining whether they are a suitable match for your organization.

Importance of a business plan.

Your company plan is most likely already formed in your mind. So, you might be asking, “Why should I bother creating a business plan?” Here are some benefits of investing in business planning.

  • Businesses with business plans expand 30% quicker: A surprising amount of study on company planning has revealed that organizations that take the effort to establish a plan and review it regularly grow 30 percent quicker than those who do not plan. These businesses not only expand quicker, but they also perform better and are less likely to fail in the long run.
  • Business plans are required by lenders and investors: If you want to expand your firm and secure a business loan or raise money from investors, you’ll need a business plan. Most lenders and investors will want a business plan, but even if they don’t want to see the actual paper, they will ask you questions that only a well-written business plan can answer.
  • Business planning lowers risk: It is always dangerous to start and maintain a firm. Instead of flying by the seat of your pants, you may employ a strategy to foresee possible cash flow concerns and avoid being caught off guard. A business strategy can assist you in reducing risk and navigating the future.
  • Business planning allows you to make wise spending selections: Before making a large investment for your company, you should consider the financial implications. With a business plan in place, you can simply test multiple scenarios to determine how new hiring or growth to a second location would affect your company.

business plan

How to make a business plan step-by-step

While there is no standard framework for developing a business plan, some items are commonly included. Here are some things to think about when creating your business plan. So, there you have it. We have discussed simple planning and key tips on how to make a business plan. But if you are still confused about drafting a business plan from scratch, consider using business plan software to simplify the process. We trust you found this article helpful.

1. Executive summary.

The executive summary, which should be no more than half a page long, should quickly identify your company and clarify the goal of the business plan. Are you creating the strategy to acquire capital? If so, state how much you want to raise and how you intend to return the loan. If you’re drafting the plan to align your team and offer direction, explain what you aim to accomplish with this alignment, as well as the size and status of your current team.

The executive summary should clarify what your company performs and give an outline of your financial health and notable accomplishments to date. If doing it manually seems like a daunting task, a summary generator can offer help in keeping your executive summary to the point.

2. Business description.

To adequately present your business, you must also discuss the broader industry. What is the monetary value of your market? Are there market trends that will impact your company’s success? What is the current situation of the industry and its prospects for the future? Use facts to back up your statements, and be sure to include all relevant information—both good and bad provide, to provide investors and workers with a comprehensive and accurate image of your company’s environment.

Continue by describing your firm and what it offers to its consumers. Are you a sole proprietor, limited liability company, partnership, or corporation? Are you an established business or a fledgling startup? What is the composition of your leadership team, and how many workers do you have? This part should give historical and future context for your company, including its foundation narrative, goal statement, and future vision.

It’s critical to highlight your unique selling point in your company description, as well as any benefits you may have in terms of professional staff or cutting-edge technology. This is usually one of the first parts of the plan that is written.

3. Market analysis and opportunity

To complete a business plan, more effort should be spent on research and analysis, than on creating the plan itself. Understanding the market’s size, growth, history, future potential, and existing threats is critical for your company’s success, and these aspects should be discussed here.

In addition, research on the target demography of your product or service is essential. This might take the shape of fake consumer profiles or a larger overview of your present and future customers’ income, geography, age, gender, and purchasing behaviors.

Though the research should be impartial, the analysis in this section is an excellent opportunity to reaffirm your point of difference and the strategies you intend to use to capture the market and outperform your competitors.

4. Competitive research

It is critical to present an in-depth study of your rivals in addition to outlining the characteristics that distinguish you from them in your business plan.

This study should dive into your direct and indirect rivals’ operations, financials, history, leadership, and distribution methods. It should investigate these rivals’ value propositions and describe how you might compete with or exploit their strengths and flaws.

5. Execution plan.  

This section of your business plan describes how you intend to carry out the tasks outlined in your business strategy. It should contain information on your organization’s structure as well as the day-to-day activities of your employees, contractors, and physical and digital assets.

Include your company’s organizational structure into your business plan, as well as additional detailed information about the leadership team: Who exactly are they? What is their history? What are their contributions? Include the resumes of important members of your team.

Your startup’s execution plan should include how long it will take to start operations and how much longer it will take to attain profitability. It’s a good idea for established businesses to detail how long it will take to implement your plan and how you will adjust existing processes.

6. Marketing plan

As you increase operations or launch a new strategy, you must have a complete marketing plan in place, which should be communicated to your stakeholders and workers. This section of your business plan should outline how you intend to advertise your company, recruit consumers, and maintain existing ones.

Include a brand message, marketing materials, as well as a timeframe and budget for engaging customers across several channels. Include a marketing SWOT analysis in your list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Examine how your rivals promote themselves, as well as how your target audience reacts — or does not respond — to these messages.

7. Financial history and projections 

Within your business plan, you must detail all finances involved in running your firm. This is done so that your shareholders understand how you’re expected to perform in the future and how far you’ve come.

Your income statement, which details annual net earnings or losses; a cash flow statement, which indicates how much money you need to establish or expand operations; and a balance sheet, which displays financial liabilities and assets, should all be included.

8. Appendix.

An appendix to your business plan is not a mandatory chapter. It is, nevertheless, a helpful location to incorporate any charts, tables, definitions, legal notes, or other crucial material that seemed too extensive or out of place elsewhere in your business plan. If you have a patent or a patent-pending, or images of your product, add the information here.

So, there you have it. We have discussed simple planning and key tips on how to make a business plan. We trust you found this article helpful.

Do you need help taking action on all this information? Then book a free call with one of our small business coaches today. We have simple planner professionals on our team to serve you. Click here to schedule a business breakthrough session now.small business coach